If you are a classroom teacher, specialist teacher, educational assistant, homeschooler, parent, admin or generally just passionate about teaching and learning, you've come to the right place.
What exactly can you find here at Everyday Lessons?
What exactly can you find here at Everyday Lessons?
The Blog
I started blogging to document the Lit Pit, a collaborative teaching and learning environment that a colleague and I developed. The Lit Pit is long gone (sadly!) but the blog continues as a place for me to share my thinking about teaching and learning.
Resources for teachers
I love finding and sharing new resources about teaching and learning, it's my jam. I only share resources that I have personally used or that I wish I had time to use.
Resources for Parents
Parenting can be tough. So many opinions coming at you all the time, such a wide range of advice. In this section, I provide practical advice & resources about parenting, learning at home and supporting your struggling learner. Good for parents and teachers!
Book Reviews
I love to read. I mean, really love it. I read a lot of middle grades and YA and post honest book reviews here and on my Instagram. If you need a book recommendation, this is the place to be.